Sunday, April 21, 2013

Audiobook Review: Anna and the French Kiss by Stephanie Perkins

Title: Anna and the French Kiss
Author: Stephanie Perkins
Series: Anna and the French Kiss #1
Narrator: Kim Mai Guest
Published: October 11, 2011
Publisher: Listening Library
Length: 10 hrs 29 mins
Source: Purchased
Purchase: Amazon | Barnes & Noble | Audible

Anna is looking forward to her senior year in Atlanta, where she has a great job, a loyal best friend, and a crush on the verge of becoming more. Which is why she is less than thrilled about being shipped off to boarding school in Paris--until she meets Étienne St. Clair. Smart, charming, beautiful, Étienne has it all...including a serious girlfriend.

But in the City of Light, wishes have a way of coming true. Will a year of romantic near-misses end with their long-awaited French kiss?

As a big fan of chick lit books, I'm really shocked at how long it took me to read this book.  Though this book can also fall in the YA genre, it most definitely falls into chick lit as well.  And stories such as this are the reason I so enjoy a good chick lit story.  It was sweet, emotional, and totally adorable!

Anna gets sent to a boarding school in Paris.  Her father insists it will be a wonderful experience and oh-so-much fun, yet Anna is convinced otherwise.  She's happy in Atlanta with her BFF and love interest (who she just kissed - ohmygosh, is there a chance of a future for these lovebirds?!) and really has no interest in venturing off to a world unknown, where she doesn't even know how to speak their language.  She assumes from day one she will hate this trip, but she'll give it her best shot.

I just adored Anna right from the beginning.  She gets thrown into this situation where she's the total underdog and completely overwhelmed... yet she adorably makes the best of it.  She's super friendly and meets friends easiy (including the loveable St. Clair!) and after much effort starts fitting right in with the locals.  Though the language is a struggle for her, she does her best.  She's a trooper, and I really liked that in her.  And can we just take a moment to talk about St. Clair?  Oh my GAWD... do people like him really exist?!  I forgot about my husband sitting next to me for a second.  Just a SECOND!  But still... wow.  Do they make St. Clairs that are my age?? ;)

I completely fell in love with this author instantly.  Perkins' writing style is creative, fun and impeccable.  I felt as though I was right there in Paris with these characters, experiencing it all firsthand.  It definitely brought back some memories from my college years... though I didn't go to school in Paris.  (I wish!)  And man, did she get the teenage crush aspect exactly right!  The overwhelming emotions, the doubt, the questions... she had it all.  Amazing!

This narrator was great as well.  I often complain about a female narrator trying to do a male voice.  Either it comes off too whiny or too feminine a majority of the time.  Kim Mai Guest did a fabulous St. Clair!  I loved him to pieces.  She also had the perfect rich, popular girl you love to hate voice.  You know, the whole "Like, seriously? You're ca-RAZY!" type of valley girl voice.  She nailed it!

I may be the last person to read this story.  So if for some reason you're like me and have been living under a rock for the last year and a half and haven't yet read it, I suggest you do so. :)

Alternate Cover:

Anna and the French Kiss

Other Books in this Series:

 Lola and the Boy Next Door (Anna and the French Kiss, #2) Isla and the Happily Ever After (Anna and the French Kiss, #3)


  1. Yay -- always so excited when someone reads this book and loves it. Now you've got to read Lola so you are ready for Isla :)

  2. Anna and the French Kiss is one of the best books EVER. I'm always excited to find out someone's read it for the first time and loved it. I just finished re-reading it as part of a read-along and I loved it even more the second time. I would really love to believe that boys like St. Clair exist because I want my own St. Clair! ;-)

    ~Marie @ Ramblings of a Daydreamer

  3. You've captured my interest--I've put this series on my TBR list. Hope to start Anna and the French Kiss soon!

    Here's a look at the books I acquired this week:

  4. Ohmygoodness! I've had this book for nearly two years snd still haven't read it. I am so so so dumb! Thanks for the reminder that Anna must be read soon.

  5. Great review. I seriously need to read this one :)

  6. I Looooove Anna and the French Kiss. (Notice the capital L.) I read it while was "on vacation" (I was visiting family in Las Vegas) and actually decided to stay in one day so I could read a bit. I totally want to own it, but I'm torn because of the cover change. I want hardcover, but I like the new design. Haha.

    I'm glad you liked it (:

  7. This sounds like a great read! I think I started reading this, but never finished. However, I know I'll have to go back now. The author sounds amazing and so do the characters. Great review!

    Sunny @ Blue Sky Bookshelf

  8. I still haven't read this yet!! I know, total fail!! I have it, I just haven't had the time to get to it. I way over schedule myself all the time.

  9. Loved this one, too, though I don't think I ever reviewed it. Same with Lola. Now I'm ready for Isla!

  10. I haven't read this yet but I loved your comments! It's nice to read a sweet, light book amid all the dystopians and this one sounds like just the book! You had good things to say about the writing, characters and story and gave it 5 stars so it doesn't get any better than that! Thanks for sharing :)

    Suz Reads

  11. Thanks for review, I haven't read Anna and The French Kiss but from your review, this book sounds good

  12. This comment has been removed by the author.

  13. Not being a Chick Lit reader, and liking my contemporaries with some meat on their bones, I have yet to read this one. But I am becoming more and more convinced that I should with every review that I read. I do like a straight up romance every now and then, and this one seems like it would hit that target perfectly. So, I think that I will just go ahead and try it for myself!

  14. I recently got Anna and the french kiss and Lola and the Boy Next Door... I haven't read them yet but I am really excited to! Especially after that review! I love love love feel good books that just make you happy and that is definitely what this book sounds like! Can't wait to read it! Great review!

  15. Ha I must live under a rock still..I have been meaning to read this one just haven't got to it yet. Thanks for sharing your review. I now know that once I get to this one I will love it thanks to your review! I can't wait to read about St.Clair

    Brenna @ Two-Tall-Tales

  16. this book was published in my country too.It was a great book.I like it very much!

  17. I might have to sit down and read this. I also have lola. I knew a lot of people liked them but I've been sooo lazy with my reading lately. I wish I was immortal. Then I would have all the time in the world to read.


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